Monday, January 24, 2011

Tips&Tricks.How to beautiful Lawn and Garden. Saving water

1. Watering lawns sparingly. In summer, lawns generally need water every 3-5 days and winter lawns need water every 7-10 days.

2 .If you use Spring Circle, you must ensure that it can give you a thorough watering. And water at all to the sidewalk or street pavement.

3. Do not cut grass too short. Grass length should not be less than 3 inches because of the shadow of the grass, they will help. Keep moist and well.

4. Always check the leakage of the tap nozzle and hose joints are always different.

5. If you do not use Spring Cycle Timed automatic You should be waiting alarm clock timer alarm instead. 

6. In summer, look for big yellow than usual. This is the nature of grass You do not need watering more than usual to compensate. To see the green grass as before.

7. Use a drip watering system suitable for horticulture that will leak down to the root directly over Because water does not spread to the leaves of garden plants.

8. Do not cut grass too short. Grass length should not be less than 3 inches because of the shadow of the grass, they will help. Keep moist and well.

9. The best plants should be planted in your garden. Thousands of Hutt wood is appropriate for the weather of that area.


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